Wondrous Wisconsin

Greetings sisters in Christ!
We rejoice because we had a great day out on the streets holding gospel signs and brother Jim preaching.  As we were leaving, brother Jim preached on the PA speaker as we drove, you can see that here:

I'll write more about that tomorrow as tonight is a simple post about some of the Wisconsin beauty we saw,  I have a fondness for the farms as I grew up in the country and small towns. It was a refreshing drive today after being inundated with people and tons of traffic.  We will rest well tonight.

Hopefully the pictures and videos bless you with the peacefulness of God's creation.

Here's part of a rainbow we saw...

And of course some farms...

There's a lot of water (lakes, rivers, streams, creeks etc) in Wisconsin 
which makes for awesome landscape.

It's been a long (fruitful in the Lord) few days in the same busy town and we are looking forward to new territory...down the road we go.

Love in Christ,
Sister Deb

The biblical gospel...