A Beautiful Parking Spot

Good day sisters in Christ,
I pray you are all doing well.  Today I just wanted to share you the blessing we had of a beautiful parking spot.  

These are all along the perameter of the parking lot and there are islands all around with trees, bushes and flowers...

The pictures never capture God's beautiful creation but it gives you an idea.  It was so lovely to pull in and have them all around, making for a peaceful place in the middle of a super busy lot.  We rejoiced because we found a spot along the outside so we could open our doors and have a bit of privacy.  Praise the Lord, let us be THANKFUL in all things, amen?! 

And I thought you might enjoy seeing some of God's beautiful mountains in Montana. (We have since left there and are in a different state, heading into yet another one soon.) 

I hope your day is victorious in the Lord, stand strong sisters.

Love in Christ to all the saints worldwide,

Sister Deb

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