A Trashy Table

Greetings sisters in Christ!
Praise the Lord for this day no matter how hot or dusty it is:-)  We are all here to do the works of the Father and glorify Him, that is our reasonable service (Romans 12:1) amen sisters?

We have left the campground and all the wonderful witnessing events there, and moved on down the road.  We have a few days of travel before we hit the next proposed destination for what we hope will be an opportunity for street preaching, in a (hopefully) busy tourist town(s).  We shall see and if the Lord wills we will do that.  Otherwise we will go along with whatever comes up and be joyous in it.

While we were at the campground (which was a great blessing for me as I needed some extra rest) brother Jim did a lot of walking back and forth to the water spigot and found a table in the garbage.  Yep, he brought it back and we are happy to have such a nice tool:-)  A tool that will become something else in addition to a table.

It's light weight and when folded, it makes a perfect double sided sign to set up by the van:-)  Brother Jim has been wanting a way to set out more signs and this fit perfectly for what he was thinking. (I'll share when he works on it.)  There is an issue with the table though.  It dips down in the center just a bit and one end has a sag so brother Jim fixed it with good old tie wraps.

We just have to be careful how we set things on it but it works out great. We are thankful for it:-)  I told brother Jim that in the years past I would have looked at that table and pointed out the issue with it and it would have bothered me but today, the Lord has stripped all that away and I'm thankful for what I have.  It's all going to burn some day anyway so why sweat it?  Let us rejoice and be thankful in all things!

This incident reminds me of when we were at a different campground last year.  Brother Jim found a step for the van and we drug that thing around with us all summer until we got back to the Missouri land to put it on.  It looks something like this:

It's nighttime otherwise I'd take a picture of ours.  It's so awesome because it's in between the height of the van and the ground so it doesn't hurt me as much getting in and out.  (They are normally very expensive.)  

Brother Jim set up the awning he made from PVC tubes that also work great for hanging my freshly washed clothes.  The stars were very beautiful that night and it was a joy to have a couple evenings of peace and quiet.

Here's a picture of the latest sign brother Jim has on the back of the van while we're driving. 

Click the picture to go to his discernment blog...

It's a white board that he can write whatever he feels led to do.  Many people stop to take time to read it as it's very unusual to see such things.  In fact we had just gotten to a gas station (shortly after he wrote it) and a man drove by really slow and spoke to brother Jim about it, getting himself a gospel card.  Not all are like that though, it's not unusual for semi truck drivers to blare their loud air horns in anger over it or people try to cut you off after they've followed you a while and had to look at it.  Our Father is watching them though, we pray they repent.

That's what's been going on here with us, how are you all doing?  I pray you stand strong, in peace and joy as our time to go home is one day closer!

God's glorious creation.

Blessings and love,
Sister Deb

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