Respecting the Male Authority Headship Order

Greetings sisters in Christ,
Let us exalt the Lord in our lives and lift up His holy name.

He must increase, but I must decrease.He that cometh from above is above all: he that is of the earth is earthly, and speaketh of the earth: he that cometh from heaven is above all.
John 3:30-31

How have you been doing sisters?  Have you been examining yourself to make sure you are walking in truth?  Have you asked the Lord to help you see things that your flesh may be blinding you?  We must all constantly do this lest we slowly fall away, unknowingly, into sin and grieve our Father.  

And being made perfect, he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him
Hebrews 5:9

Yes, He is a loving and forgiving Father but we must do our part as well, on a daily basis, in order to continue to receive that love and forgiveness, repenting of all known sin and asking for His help in rooting out what we cannot see.

What I'm going to write about is respecting the male headship order that God set up.  You may want to listen to an audio that brother Jim made about the headship order here:

I want to give sisterly examples of what it's like to go around that headship order and disrespect it.  God's word says we are to obey and submit to our husbands (Ephesians 5, Colossians 3) but there is also an overall order that we see lacking.  Let's look at the order God created and see where we sisters fit in. You can read about that in 1 Corinthians 11.


Jesus did not disrespect God, man should not disrespect Jesus, woman should not disrespect man and children should not disrespect their parents.  The problem lies when sisters hold themselves equal to men when it comes to authority.  Let me give you some examples that we come across and shine some light on the matter.

* Women will email, say they are a believer and claim that they love our website and that we teach the truth from God's Word.  We encourage them to go to the gospel and test themselves to make sure they understand it and that it is their foundation of which their faith is built upon. (Not man made religions false, easy believe gospel.) Many agree and then we encourage them to study and obey what God's word has for women (head covering, dress, submission, quietness etc).  Oftentimes they reject it and disagree, using their words (not the bible) and pushing back against what brother Jim is trying to show them in God's word.  This is disrespectful toward the male authority line God has set up and it's called 'lying' when you say you agree but then disagree. 

* We have had women on email and phone, try to discuss personal things about their husbands.  This is not only disrespectful to their husbands but also disrespectful to the male she is speaking to (in this case brother Jim) because she is expecting him to listen to her disrespect her husband.

*  We have had instances where brother Jim is teaching a man and his wife will step in discuss theological matters.  This is disrespecting the headship order of her husband and the male authority line God set up.

We just had a recent encounter with this situation where the husband was engaged in a conversation with brother Jim when the wife walked up and tried to interfere.  Brother Jim explained that when men, who claim Christ, are talking about the things of God, that women are to listen, as per God's Word.  She got mad and stomped off instead of following God's order.  Her actions show her heart is not for the truth but instead for her flesh, making herself her own god.

*  We've seen many women talking boldly to men, chatting about all sorts of topics without any reserve or shamefacedness.  Look up the greek word of shamefacedness it means: bashfulness that is (towards men) modesty, the idea of downcast eyes.
It doesn't mean women walk with their eyes on the ground the whole time, it means there should be a respect toward men and that conversation between men and women should be reserved. See Proverbs 7 and the opposite type of woman, loud, stubborn, bold...just what we see in the world's feminists today.  A meek and quiet spirited goes along with respecting the male authority.

* Women oftentimes will bring their theological teaching on something to a brother in the Lord instead of asking the question, receiving the teaching and testing it to the word.  By a woman doing this, she is teaching the man, instead of learning from him, and therefore disrespecting the male authority headship order.

* We recently had an instance where a brother in the Lord was reaching out to a man claiming Christ, to see if he had fallen away as he hadn't heard from him.  The email was returned so he tried again, copying the wife and the response he got from the wife was sad.  She disrespected the male authority of her household (husband) and disrespected a young brother in the Lord who was trying to help.  This is feminism and many houses are destroyed because of such things.

* We see this often: A husband and wife have left man made religion but the wife keeps looking around at other groups, talking to this person and that person trying to find some sort of fellowship when she should be content to stay home with her husband and allow God to do His will. Instead they end up leading the husband all over or they bring in false doctrines from the internet.  She's disrespecting her husband, the male authority, by not being content to stand by him and wait upon the Lord.

*  Women disrespect male authority by wanting to be in ministry that is not fit for a woman.  We see women all over who neglect their God given role that we see in scripture and instead want to stand out on the street corner and preach and teach.  Or on the internet.  Or rebuke false teachers.  Or contend with other men in the faith. We also see women making their own ministry instead of preparing themselves to be ready as a helper for their husband's ministry. This is disrespectful to the male authority God has set up.

* Women overall, have little respect for men in general.  God's word doesn't say to respect them 'if they deserve it', it says to DO IT.  

Look closely, again, at the layout of God's design.  


There is no male nor female in the eyes of God when it comes to judgement or eternal life with the Father, see Galatians 3, BUT there is a great difference in what the world (and disobedient Christians) do vs what God's Word shows.  By a woman putting herself equal to a man in authority, she is now CHANGING God's order to suit herself!  This is what she does:

Man, Woman

Or more likely this:

Woman, Man

This is blatant feminism and against a holy God. I need to point out that all these such instances can also hinder the faith of men.  There are warnings in God's Word against women ruling men (see Isaiah 3:12), about being contentious (see Proverbs 21 and 27) and one more example of Delilah wearing down Samson.  And how many of you are thinking this one right now....

Let us all examine ourselves to see if we even have a small amount of sin in this area and repent of it. It can happen to all of us and as long as we are living in these fleshly bodies we must continuously purge the evil out, amen? Let us all repent of such things and ask God to help guide us as godly women in this wretched world so that we don't conform to it, but to become the likeness of Him.

We rejoice with those who seek truth, with those who repent and we praise the Father for transformed lives.  Let us walk worthy of our profession of faith.

I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called,
Ephesians 4:1

Some beauty from our Father's creation for our obedient sisters, striving in the faith.  

Keep marching on sisters!

Love to you all.

Sister Deb

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