Self Reflection and Correction

Greetings sisters in Christ!
I pray you are all doing well. We are parked for the night after travelling toward our next destination and we praise God for a place to lay our head and once again He gives us a beautiful sunset.

In our ministry online and in the world, my role as helper to my husband, keeper at home, the various responsibilities that go along with this life and dealing with troublesome flesh can build up to where I need to slow down and examine some areas and make sure my focus is correct and my role is in line. After self reflection, I see some areas that need correction.  

Let none of us think, even after walking this path for years, that you can't slip here or there and find the need for readjustment and some changes.  (That's why continuously examine ourselves.)  If we truly have a heart for God, He will guide us and lead us, not allowing us to go too far without conviction or something weighing us down until we search diligently for it:-)

He is an awesome God.

Let us search and try our ways, and turn again to the LordLet us lift up our heart with our hands unto God in the heavens.
Lamentations 3:40-41

Speaking of self reflection, you might want to hear an audio brother Jim did about stiff necked men that he's had to recently deal with.  In fact, he spent a whole weekend with one trying to bring him along in the truth. You can listen to it here (on brother Jim's discernment teaching blog).

Let's not lose focus, get side tracked, step outside our role a godly women or allow ourselves to be become like a stiff neck person.

May God be praised!

Love in Christ,
Sister Deb

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