Fighting Fear and God's Beautiful Creation

Greetings sisters in Christ!
Praise the Lord for all good things, blessings and peace unto you in the name of our Lord and Savior!
A sister shared a story of which she had some fear from a storm but repented of it and it reminded me of some fear I had recently.  I shared here on the blog a while ago how we had to move to another parking spot in the dark, out in the wilderness of which we were unfamiliar with some of the roads. We rarely drive after dark anymore and the road we were on was very bumpy, windy and hilly with a deep gorge on one side.  I admit, I had fear and but kept telling myself that fear is not of God and just as I repented, brother Jim pulled us into a nice spot, praise God, He is merciful!

Fear is not of God, for His children.  Let's remember the disciples on the boat while Jesus slept, 1 John 4 says perfect love casts out fear and we are not to fear them that can kill the body (Matthew 10).  Until the day we die, we will continue to have fear (at times) but we simply need to repent and give it over to our Father who is over all things.

I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things.
Isaiah 45:7

Speaking of creating, I have some more of God's creation to share with you. The world is such a dark and wicked place that it's so refreshing to share His handiwork.  I look to His creation when we are out in the world and I happen to slip and get caught up in my flesh.  I marvel over the Creator of this marvelous creation!

We were driving through a town in Wyoming and saw this mother deer eating in the yard.

And across the street were her babies:-)

We saw these deer when we were coming out from the mountains. Of course I can't do anything about the quality when uploading it here.

A butterfly came into the van for a visit...

And some flowers from a brother in the Lord.

Today we scoped out a new town in Colorado, one that a lot of tourists like to visit.  They have what is called a 'pedestrian mall', it's where there's no cars and people walk to all the stores and food shops.  Looks like a good place to witness this weekend because it's not just that area but the surrounding blocks that have a lot of cars passing through and people walking around.  We shall see what happens when we 'go'. Brother Jim did a quick post on some witnessing experiences we had lately...

After we looked around, we parked and did some work online then we went for a walk to find a couple church buildings, close by, that we might go preach out front of on Sunday while they go in.  As we were walking along the residential area we saw these garden beds, I thought you might appreciate them.

I marvel that over the thousands of miles we travel each year, we don't see many gardens.  That's a hard concept for me to grasp, if you have land, shouldn't there be something to eat, growing on it?  Even small gardens like this are obtainable, or planting in buckets works. Some people cover their patios in their apartments, many floors up, with garden plants.  If I could have a garden bed on top of the van, that'd be great...maybe I'll have to talk to brother Jim about that:-) 

We are currently parked in a big rest area with a lot of truckers in it, coming and going, making all sorts of noises (have you ever slept by a running semi....or a bunch of them? :-)  

It has since filled to capacity and they just keep coming in and out looking for a spot to park, should be interesting as we plan to be here a few days.  But we're thankful for a place to stay while we do the work of the Lord and it makes us appreciate a quiet spot even more! Speaking of which, we may be going to one of our favorite places on our way through Nebraska next's so peaceful.  

I pray you are all doing well, standing strong in the Lord and not wavering to and fro as life tosses it's trials at you.

Love, peace and grace to you in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Sister Deb

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