Quick Wash For Camping or Travel or Any Day Use

Greetings sisters in Christ!
Praise God for all things and let us be content in our lives!

Sometimes people wonder how they can stay clean when a shower is not available or one does not have time.  Showers are a recent invention and it wasn't long ago that sponge baths were a main way people cleaned up.  My Titus 2 offering is a simple, easy way to clean without much fuss or using a lot of water for instances as mentioned. 

I call this a bucket bath and can wash myself from face to feet with about a quart of water.

I use a collapsible tub like this...

(It collapses and is nice and flat for small spaces.)

I put in my water, a squirt of witch hazel...

(I buy whatever kind is on sale.)

And a squirt of natural soap.

(I buy what's on sale and found a few of those kind for $1.50 and had coupons on top of that:-)

Swish the water around and you are ready to wash.  I use a hand towel for washing and one for drying off.  For those who have never done this, I'll briefly explain.

Wet your washing towel, wring it out and begin washing your face and upper body, rinsing the towel in between.  Work your way down your body except your feet.  For certain areas you can use a bit of soap directly on the area if needed but before rinsing, wipe off the soap with a paper towel, then rinse. This keeps the water from getting too soapy for rinsing. Dry off and when your dressed you can soak your feet in the water! I add some epsom salts and essential oils like tea tree.

I use this method often and feel clean and refreshed and sometimes I use the left over water to wash my floor:+)

There are a lot of complicated recipes people use but I prefer simple and don't care for exact measurements.  By the way, witch hazel (I don't particularly care for that name) is great for your face and I use it every night. Just put some on a cotton pad and wipe your face and neck clean.  

It's a great way to stay clean when you go camping, live tiny or are on the road like we are.  This is also good for quick washing of children as we know how tired they can be at the end of the day and cooperation in the bathtub isn't always the first thing on their mind!

That's my keeper of the home tip for you and I hope it blessed and un-complicates someone's life:-)  You can check out brother Jim's older posts on vanlife here: 

Love to you all.

Sister Deb

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