Refreshment from the Wicked World

Greetings to our obedient sisters in Christ!
Praise be to God for another day to kill our flesh and serve the Creator of the Universe!  I hope you are all doing well, striving in truth and obedience in love of our Savior!

We have been burning up the highways going back and forth between tourist towns, hitting events and on the busy streets, praise God for giving us what we need do do His will every day, amen sisters?  We all have different roles to play and none less important than any other.  Let us rejoice that we are called to do whatever it is the Lord wills for our life.

"But now, O LORD, thou art our father; we are the clay, and thou our potter; and we all are the work of thy hand."
Isaiah 64:8

After all the vile worldliness, gross immodesty, vulgarity, blasphemy and all the other stuff wrapped up in the wicked world, I thought I'd post some pictures that might be refreshing for the end of the evening.  We are looking forward to a day or two of quietness, recouping and then back out in it again. You all know what that's like when you get overwhelmed with 'too much' dealing with the world and you have to restore:-)

O Lord, open thou my lips; and my mouth shall shew forth thy praise.
Psalm 51:15

I took a video of our entrance to one of the towns.  The area around the town is beautiful, it's a shame it's defiled by all the sin. 

The sky was so blue and the day was warm but pleasant.  We have been blessed with beautiful weather so far this summer which makes traveling in our van home much easier to bear. We are thankful for that.

We get a lot of exercise when out on the streets, another blessing because we always see something of God's creation in the midst of man's world while walking.

Flowers.....of course:-)

Of all the flowers I've posted on the sisters blog, I'm not sure that I duplicated very many of them and that's a minute fraction of what God has created.  I cannot imagine trying to count them all!

Last night the moon was so bright up above the hills.  

And the other day while we were out holding gospel signs on a busy intersection we saw a man having troubles hooking up his trailer in the parking lot so brother Jim went to help him.  He wasn't very polite and said he had it under control.  (He was a bit stressed out.) We then watched him try to fix his bent bumper in a creative way.

When he was leaving, he drove by us and waved.  In that same town was a wonderful meeting with a man we met the day before when we were preaching at Mt Rushmore.  He called the next day to see if we would meet him over a cup of coffee... talk about the things of God.  Praise God, for well over an hour he asked questions and listened intently to the biblical answers that brother Jim gave him from God's word.  Brother Jim did a teaching on 'Cursing the Fig Tree' because someone asked about it.  Instead of just answering one person, everyone can be edified by it.

We encountered the police several times in the past few days because people didn't like the message being preached (so the summoned the 'roman guards' like they did in Jesus' day).  The officers were polite and kind (we were doing nothing wrong) and brother Jim got to preach the gospel to them all.  Praise God, let the word go out.

The day is far spent and we look forward to whatever will be the Lord's will tomorrow.

Have a joyous evening sisters and may you glorify God tomorrow and every day after.

Love in Christ,
Sister Deb

The biblical gospel...