Who Will We Be?

Greetings to our obedient, steadfast sisters in Christ!

We are in the northern midwest heading even more north and then some more! Lord willing of course.

Brother Jim and I have been talking about how although the body of Christ is few and far between, scattered abroad, we are all together...in Spirit and that's the most important thing. If we look at this life as a job for the Lord, then we stop living it for us and trying to appease our flesh, and instead focus on the tasks at hand.  

God has given us all ministries right in the lives we have.  We have to be careful and see that lest we be looking past and wanting something else that God may not have for us.  We all have to continuously evaluate this in our lives to make sure we are living for Him and not us and what we would like to do.  

Don't look at who you are today and what you don't know or can't do, look at who you will become if you trust in Him to guide you.

Psalm 31:3 
For thou art my rock and my fortress; therefore for thy name's sake lead me, and guide me.

We have plenty of examples in God's word, showing us how plain old people have overcome their weaknesses and become great workers for the Lord, women included!

Let us rejoice in the day, asking God what can we do to glorify His holy name.

Love and blessings to you,
Sister Deb

The biblical gospel...