Finding Balance In Emotions

Greetings sisters in Christ,

Are you strong in the Lord today?  Have you weathered your battles in the strength of the Lord?  Remember, He is our strength and when we try to do it all in the flesh, that's when we fail.  Amen?

Speaking of flesh, our emotions are of the flesh, am I right?  Of course we were given emotions as part of who we are but we must all learn how to master them as they are part of the fallen flesh that is out of control unless we subject ourselves under the power of Christ.  

I've been pondering that a lot lately as we battle the wicked works of satan that have been coming as a barrage against us lately, but we are joyous in the Lord, rarely miss a beat and keep marching on.  It makes me stronger and I've been pondering on women's emotions a lot lately.  (Yes, men have them too but I'm only referring to women:-)

We all have our strengths and weaknesses when it comes to emotions and we all have them to battle in order to be victorious, amen?  Some women crumble and give in when they see tears in the eyes of a little one (who might be trying to get out of trouble) and some may be strong and see through it, giving the punishment needed.  Does that mean that the one who did what must be done (overlooked the tears and punished the child so they will learn) is cold hearted?  What about the woman who learns that the 'brother and sister' they thought were striving in truth, went into the world and she cries for days over it and another woman says 'So be the Lord's will, I pray they repent' and then continues on in life.  Is the latter woman without compassion?  What about the woman who is excited and joyous when they meet someone claiming to be of Christ and another woman is kind, yet patiently tests that person out to see if it is true.  Is the latter woman uncaring or unloving? 

We see it all too often, women running on their emotions, up and down and all over the place.  Yep, been there done that and sometimes still fall into it...but my resolve lately, is to remain steadfast in the middle of the road.  Brother Jim just talked to someone on the phone about avoiding the ditches and staying in the middle of the road, that's where I want to be.  Yes, it's great to be joyous and it's okay to weep in sorrow, but let us temper that with balance so that we are neither so far up that we have further to fall or so far down that we can't seem to get back up.

Romans 8 has been on my mind a lot.

There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. [2] For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death. [3] For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh: [4] That the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. [5] For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit. [6] For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. [7] Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be. [8] So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God.

Romans 8:1-8

Being a woman is a wonderful thing because God created us, but that doesn't mean we don't learn how to get ahold of ourselves and rightfully direct our emotions in the way they should be. Think of our emotions as something we are in control of and use them like a tool, keeping tight reign on them and allowing them to surface after careful scrutiny. Rather like carefully using our words, we need to carefully use our emotions, not let them use us.

Hopefully that encourages you as it will help you grow strong and be more able to do the work that Lord has for you to do, where you are.

I found one of brother Jim's older posts about Jesus being the light and we are to follow Him.

Love in Christ, who is our strength!

Sister Deb

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