Preparing for Darkness

Good evening faithful sisters!
How are you doing today?  We are rejoicing as we have made it through about a week of rain and cold with the reward of sunshine today! Tomorrow we plan to shine the light of the Lord on the streets during the wicked day of Halloween.  You can read brother Jim's article about the evilness of Halloween HERE.

We haven't had this opportunity for many years and are looking forward sharing the life giving gospel in hopes of calling out a sheep.  No, we don't look forward to the backlash that might come from it all, through satan's workers, but we don't care, in fact, I'm more concerned about guarding my heart from the sorrow of watching the little ones be led astray.  I have to fight twinges of guilt for doing that to my children before I was born again but I won't let satan drag me around with it anymore. I know some of you feel the same way.

Praise God for the most awesome blessing of His Son and the hope of eternal life if we endure through this life.

There is much wickedness and more coming as we see predicted in the Word of God but if we remember we are only strangers and pilgrims passing through (1 Peter 2) we shall be victorious!

We had a day of work and travel to get here, with some of God's awesome countryside to view along the way.  

With all that sunshine and dry air, we opened the van windows while we were driving and were able to dry the insulating blankets on the van walls that got damp with all the humidity and condensation from heat and cold. We're all set again for the next round to come:-) 

Here are a flock of birds taking off...

How amazing that they can all fly like that and not bash into each other in chaos....all to the glory of our Father!

We need to be disciplined in this life as godly people in a wicked world and focusing on things above is the way to do it.  I gave up the news a long time ago and rarely glance at it lest I be swept away in all the gossip, garbage, sadness and politics if it all; thereby stealing my joy and causing fear and stress.  If you don't set that wickedness before your eyes and ears, you won't be distracted by it and continue to keep your focus on Christ. I can't imagine the disciples or our Savior hanging out on the news sites, with much more important things to do.

Romans 12:21
Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.

Amen, that's what shining our lights, in a dark place, does!

Hold fast sister saints and let us pray for one another that we may all press through.

Did you know they there will be no sun in heaven?  

Revelation 21:23 
And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof.

Let us shine that light while we are here and we will bask in His light when we get there:-)

Grace, peace and blessings to you all.

Sister Deb

The biblical gospel...