Traveling Through a Tiny Town

Good evening sisters!
We have had a rainy travel day and are currently set up for the night, working on a ministry testing of a deceptive religious body.  Yes, it is loving to expose false teachers in hopes they repent and to warn potential sheep from being swept away into their goat farms. We are boldly honest about such things and don't allow false teachers to hide in the dark like snakes to deceive our brothers and sisters.  Go read Jude. I'm working on a post about being tested myself and hope to have that done tomorrow.

As we were traveling today we drove through a town and thought this was interesting.

And the buildings painted on the side of that building.

We liked the siding on this house.

I made a simple dinner of tuna, tomato and hard boiled eggs mixed with a bit of mayo.  

As we go through these rainy, cold days we have to remind ourselves not to get in the flesh.  Water all over the van floor, wet clothes and shoes, chilly hands and cold mornings...but we rejoice as our spirit has victory over the flesh!  It's all a mind set, either it's set on our flesh or the spirit and it's our choice which we pick, amen?

I'll pick things of the Spirit to focus on:-)

And I take time to focus on these types of pretty creation from our Father when I see them :-)

We see some sunshine coming in another day or so, with (hopefully) good weather this weekend so that we can do some street preaching.  It's that wicked Halloween time of the year and we want to be out combating it all with the truth of God's Word.  Brother Jim, just today, warned me  to get ready for evil while we do it.  My mind is battling the flesh in the area of knowing I'm going to see innocent little children being trained up to be satan's puppets and I hadn't even thought of how angry the parents might get. So, I'll be working on that to get ready for it, lest I get swept away in my flesh over it all, which I refuse to do. Oh, yeah, and of course the religious places are doing their own mock, sanitized version of Halloween only they disguise it as some sort of Harvest fest or something of the sort.  Lord willing we will be calling some out of their wickedness and hopefully set free a sheep.  If not, the Lord be glorified no matter what as His truth is going out.

It's almost time for me to do my part with brother Jim so I'll be going now, but hope to be back to you again tomorrow.  Stand strong sisters and be bold on the truth in confidence.

Ephesians 1:2 
Grace be to you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ.

Love in Christ,
Sister Deb

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