Heading Into The Unknown

 Good evening sisters in Christ!

Are you striving on?  Are you victorious in the faith?  Are you relying on the strength of the Lord to carry you through?  Do you trust our Heavenly Father that He is in control?  I pray you said yes to those and if you didn't, I will pray that it may be true for you tomorrow.  His mercies are new every day and when we fall down we have an advocate as we see in 1 John.   Let us take each day and live that one, not worrying about what's tomorrow because we don't know if God will make us endure through that or if we will be home with Him.  Amen?

Every day that we get is like heading into the unknown isn't it?  We have no clue what will happen.  Will our lives be turned upside down by tragic news?  Will we receive some blessed news?  We can't live for tomorrow, nor can we even live for the next moment, we must live in what we have been given, taking every thought captive as we're instructed.

(For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; And having in a readiness to revenge all disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled.   2 Corinthians 10:4-6 

The unknown is before us and we should not fear because our weapons are not carnal, but mighty through God.  He knows what's ahead and if He knows and is good with it, then I am too. Are you?

We were around the area of our land the past couple weeks, working on projects then taking short trips and now is the time to head out into the unknown.

Stepping out from our comfort zones is good for us isn't it sisters?  You know how much you have grown when you let go of what makes you feel secure and venture out, trusting in God that He will guide and protect you, amen?  We would much rather, in our flesh, be on our homestead enjoying the privacy and having our time to ourselves and God but that's not our calling.  You may be thinking that you would rather not be in the position you are in and have your own life to yourself and God, but that's not what God wants.  He has jobs and purposes, ministries and different roles for us to fulfill.

It's interesting that just now, as I was typing the paragraph above that brother Jim was making a voice audio to someone he's ministering to and said this...'the homestead is peaceful quiet and safe, but we can't stay, we have to go.'  Funny how that works :-)

We don't know what tomorrow will bring but we do know that we have to be faithful in today and wait to see what's before us, trusting in our Father for it all.

And when we lay our head down for the night, let us sigh in thankfulness to our Father for being merciful to mere servants that are striving on the best we can.

I've shared with you how even the small things we sisters do, can make a difference because we don't know how God is using it all to His glory and the potential saving of a soul.  You could be just going about your daily life, living for the Lord, working as unto Him, thankful in all things and someone in your life could be watching to see how you deal with adversity.  Are you confident in this God you serve or do you fret and fear just like the world.  Are you thankful and in peace serving this God or are you grumpy and worried like everyone else?  A steadfast life in the Lord can go a long way in your witness so don't tire of doing good sisters.  Brother Jim did an audio called "Vanity of the Rich and You".  You can find it <HERE>.

I've mentioned that we are adding a segment to our ministry of teachings for children and youth.  Brother Jim and I have thought about this for a long time and have decided that it's our time to do it.  We will be working together on this but I will be with the young children and he will be working with the older ones.  We will be sharing it with our grandchildren and pray it blesses other young people. Here is the first one:

May the Lord be glorified.

As a Titus2 note:
I did good to my husband in my keeper of the home role and made some soup for him. Well, it's canned soup from the discount bin but I added some freeze dried peas and fluffy dumplings  to it.

This next picture goes right along with soup and should bring a smile to my Titus2 sisters.

And I leave you with this...

I browse the floral sections of any store I'm in, thanking the Lord for such beauty.  I never really spent any time growing flowers when we were at our other homestead because (I was so busy and we didn't have running water) my mindset was "If you can't eat it, don't weed it."  So it was rare for me to have much more than a couple small containers of flowers that were easy to water and needed no work.  Anyway, I can enjoy all the flowers I come across and share them with you sisters :-)

But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost, [21] Keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life.  Jude 1:20-21

May the Lord bless you and keep you,
Sister Deb

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