Traveling Tennessee and Preaching Truth

Grace and peace to you all,
I hope your day went well (or goes well) in the Lord and is prosperous.  I made a quick video for you as we were traveling if you want to see it HERE.

We worked our way through Tenessee into Georgia where we'll be in this town for the next (many) days.  We both are looking forward to this time here but we're not sure why, it just seems right so we'll see what the Lord might have for us.  This morning as I went into the store to grab something before we set off down the road and a man drove up to brother Jim to talk, you can hear it HERE.  (It's a classic one of someone doing something for God but when the truth comes to them, they get mad and leave.)  Then we set off on our journey...

I've shared some of these highway signs and never saw one like this before.  In case it's blurry for you it says 'Real Christians forgive like Jesus'  The group that runs it is a total unbiblical anabaptist group that tear godly marriages apart and preach a false gospel as well as a bunch of man made traditions that Jesus hated.

Trains are big around this area.

We saw these people sharing the wicked spirit of the pagan season.  Brother Jim got on his PA speaker and preached the gospel to them as we drove by.

I had to black out the woman in the middle.  One of them yelled that he's been baptized and the other just waved.

We went through some mountains.  It's all brown right now but I can imagine how awesome it is in the summer or especially fall with the different colored leaves.

That on the left side of the picture is a truck runway for those whose breaks give out.  That would be something to hit that at high speed.  It consists of what looks like a lot of sand to help slow it down.

We enjoy traveling and seeing God's huge earth but it does get physically trying when a person does it all the time so I'm looking forward to no long distance travel for the time we're here.

We had some night travel, of which we're not used to because we prefer to travel during the daytime in case there are any mechanical issues, but the Lord allowed us to arrive safe.  We went through a lot of traffic, whew, we're glad that's done, for now anyway!

And he said unto them, Come ye yourselves apart into a desert place, and rest a while: for there were many coming and going, and they had no leisure so much as to eat.  Mark 6:31

When we got to our destination, I cooked up a quick dinner with left over fake meat tacos and some of these that I got free from a survey.

Sweet potato fries, oh yum.  I had to do them in my fry pan and they turned out okay considering I didn't use much oil and didn't cook them until they were crisp.  With the remaining amount I'll chop them up and toss in more veggies for a quicker cook. 

Shortly after we were finished eating I saw a man walking around our van and he looked through the front window where we were sitting with the light on, so you could see us inside.  He was walking and looking so brother Jim turned around and waved to him.  He walked over to ask about our signs. You can hear the audio HERE>

While brother Jim was in the store, he sent me these flower pics to post here.

And maybe they will cheer some of you up if you are having a rough day.

Such awesome creations from our Father.

There's a busy road here that's great for holding signs because the traffic is so bad, it backs up from the stop light for a LONG way and we can walk up and down the sidewalk.  Brother Jim said there's a church here that we were at last year, and they are planning on having a pagan celebration for Christ-Mass so we might go there to warn anyone who might have ears to hear.  It was pretty ugly last time, like really ugly as the people were even physical. But...we heard from some people who left there after we were there so we hope that maybe more will listen.

Once again blogger is blurring everything...but I work to kill my flesh and not care.  Speaking of, I was pondering this the other day.  I posted this picture of water...

I told brother Jim that most women would not look at that sight and get excited about water as they would be looking at the disgusting hose laying in the dirty parking lot, wondering what sort of germs and icky stuff is all over it.  I would have several years ago but now, the Lord has stripped away a lot of my flesh in that area and I don't really see that anymore.  That's how we have to be in this life....
You see and have to be among all the dirty sins around you but as a child of God, walking in righteousness, you look past it all and focus on things above.  Being uspotted as in James, doesn't mean we don't see, hear or have to deal with it all, it just means that we don't allow it to affect us as we live on this earth and go about our lives.

Let's see what tomorrow brings, if the Lord gives it to us.
Love to you all.
Sister Deb

The biblical gospel...