More of God's Creation and some Titus 2 pics

Good evening again sisters!

I just finished a post you can see HERE and started cleaning out my phone and found some more videos and pics for you.  How awesome is the great Creator, check out these birds...

We crossed a big bay coming in from the ocean.

The traffic is super busy on that road but looking off to the side into God's creation, you don't even know it.  That's how we should be in this world, walking among it, shining our light but looking to Him.

We're in a place that has a lot of Spanish people who have some interesting foods. We tried a piece of the pumpkin candy.  It's got like a hard coating of sugar on the outside with a soft center and I could see how that would give them energy out in the fields.  (They hand pick the strawberries here.) 

They have a lot of interesting foods,  maybe tomorrow I will take some pics when I go in, just to share them with my Titus 2 sisters:-)  I know some of you already know about such things so it should make you smile:-)

.27 cents per lb for bananas, what an awesome deal.

I saw this super long loaf of bread that might make you smile.  That would make one big sub sandwich sisters! 

We thought this ice cream shop looked cute.  And I leave you with another of God's amazing flowers!

I hope some of this enlightened your day, or evening!

Sister Deb

The biblical gospel...