Hebrews 4 Sword Hurts and Heals (with video)
Good evening sister saints!
We had a busy day of street preaching / witnessing and you can find that all HERE if you are interested.
Tonight I wanted to share a bit how we've seen the Hebrews 4 sword working in people's lives lately and thought maybe that will encourage you.
For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. (Hebrews 4:12)
Brother Jim has been working with a man in a different country and they only have texting to communicate. Brother Jim saw an issue that needed to be corrected so he used the Hebrews 4 sword and this man thanked him.
(we both smiled at his text:-)
There's another man brother Jim was working with and had to tell him some very hard things, being sliced open by the Hebrews 4 sword. The man took time to ponder and emailed back thanking brother Jim for being strong with him and he repented of his stubbornness and said he wants to serve the Lord in obedience.
And one more of brother Jim's stories as these are all as of recently and good for examples. There's a new brother to the faith that was not redeeming the time as he should so brother Jim dug out the Hebrews 4 sword and used it in love. This man thanked him and repented of his sins.
I, just recently, had to do the same with the Hebrews 4 sword, in love, with a woman that didn't know she was out of line in the area of biblical leadership in the word and home. She quickly repented and was grateful for the admonishment.
Just today I got to witness to a baptist pastor's wife and when I shared with her some of the things that I could see they were not teaching her (in the areas of women) she thanked me.
I know that most of you know the Word usually sends people away so I wanted to share some encouraging stories of people who were grateful for the hurting of the sword to bring healing in the soul. That's great fruit!
This clearly shows the love of the Word of God and we rejoice!
Here's a couple videos of a glimpse into our life that maybe will make you smile.
And a picture of a baby killedeer to make you smile again.