A Day In The Life (May 27, 2021)
Good evening sisters!!!
Just sharing another day in the life of saints following after the Lord.
Our journey down the road today.
And dinner.
I share our location with a sister who is very attentive to the saints and cares about where they are and how they are doing. She sent this back with a meaningful rendition of things in our lives. I'm sure you and pick them out like the candle 🕯️ is shining our light. The bible, it was raining etc. It brought a smile to my face so I thought I'd share with you also.
And more encouragement from another sister...
Her and I were talking about biblical clothing and she shared this point of view on it...
And this...
And of course more of God's creation...
Psalm 13:6
I will sing unto the Lord, because he hath dealt bountifully with me.
I'm thankful for this day and for you all who are striving on after our Saviour, bringing honor and glory to God!!!
Love to you all and I hope you rest well tonight.
Cyber ((hugs))
Sister Deb
The biblical GOSPEL