Moving Down the Road

 Good day sister saints!!!

I saw this robin on a rock at a previous parking spot...

There's a lot going on in that picture:-)

And I thought of this verse while on the bridge making a video for a sister.

I love that....neither turning to the right nor the left but going straight ahead, keeping our eyes focused on our Saviour!!!

Amen that's what us sisters do for one another:-).  There's much to bear in this world and to share it with others is a great help. A sister shared that she struggled with some attacks from satan but has pulled through it stronger.  A young sister talked about how she sees the world hates when we obey God.  Another sister is sewing for some of us sisters who can't. (And shares scripture pictures here.)

And praise the Lord we found out that the sister I wrote about the other day, is striving on through many changes in their life.  Praise God, let all us sisters rejoice together in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!!

Praise God the GOSPEL went out on the streets today again and then the wind blew in a lot of smoke so we headed down the road to find a less smokey area but ... well.... It's all over so what can ya do?  Deal with it and thank the Lord for being able to endure through it. Here are a couple travel videos as we moved along down the road...

We are thankful to the Father for a level parking spot:-)

And for a simple yet delicious dinner.

Let's see what tomorrow brings!!!

Love to you all.
Sister Deb