Another Day Of Witnessing

 Greetings to my sister saints who love the Lord!

Praise God there was much witnessing of the GOSPEL going on today, if you want to hear the Word going out on the streets and some edifying accounts, go HERE. I was blessed to witness to several women, you can hear the audios at the end of that link.

At one point we stopped for a quick break but that didn't last long as a couple men came to the van to talk:-)

Glory to God for His precious truth to go out and several people had ears to hear.

I have to go for now but I leave you with a gift of scripture pictures from a faithful sister saint, thank you:-)  (Thank you sisters for checking in on us today and sending your encouragement!)

Like I said on the audios to a couple of those women's all by the power of the Holy Spirit, none of us (lest any man boast).  He is our rock and our strength.

We have travel tomorrow to another event on Monday, Lord willing, so my posts might be short for a while but not short on love;-)

Hold fast and endure until the end, I'm here to encourage you on.

Much fervent love to you all,

Sister Deb