Standing for Truth at the Greenbay Packer Game

 Good evening sister saints!

How was your day?  We were on the streets witnessing today at an NFL football game, you can see the videos HERE.  It's the first home game for the Greenbay Packers after two years so it was packed out with people (brother Jim said the stadium can hold 80,000 and they normally sell out each game) and we were in front of the entryway where they all came by.  We used to be those people before Christ and now we are blessed to shine the light of Truth to them all. 

I made you a video while we were there. It was so loud you can barely hear me, sorry. I don't have a voice like brother Jim's lol.

 I just shared this with a sister...

And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. [6] And it repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart. Genesis 6:5-6

And earlier she shared these:

Although the masses wanted nothing to do with the truth, many people took gospel cards, brother Jim witnessed to several men that came up to talk and I saw much conviction as the day went on in some people who were reading the signs.  To God be the glory and whatever comes of it is all His business. I had to tell myself that because it made me really sad to see those people, like I used to be, all lining up for destruction.  But there's hope if they repent.

And as I was working on all the videos a sister sent this awesome video, what a nice sight for sore eyes after seeing hours and hours of wickedness.

And earlier she shared these scripture pictures:

That's what we sister saints (all brethren) the world to repentance so their sins may be blotted out like ours were.  But we must strive on...

We saw very little of that today...let's make sure us godly women exhibit those fruits for the world to see and know the glory of God who transformed us!

Oh sisters I was thanking the Lord and praising Him today for saving me out of what all those people are trapped in...satan's grip in his world.  Now we shine as lights in the kingdom of God through the shed blood of Jesus Christ.  Glory to God.

It's been a long day, praise God for it all, and I'm going to leave you with this last picture.

Fervent godly love to you all,

Sister Deb