Titus 2 Responsibilities Concerning Holidays / Festivals and some Titus 2 Duties

 A hearty and godly greeting to my striving sister saints!!!

(That's a super long title isn't it?  It's my least favorite thing to do, summarize something into a title lol.)

How is everyone doing today?  We are joyous in the Lord and thankful for this day to serve Him.

Amen! We are and all because of Him!!! (Thank you sister saint for the scripture picures.) 

A sister brought up the subject of what a wife (who is married to an unbeliever) should do in the case of her Titus 2 duties in regards to all the pagan holidays and festivals that unbelievers celebrate within a the home they live in.  I talked with brother James about it and he said I should do an audio on it. You can find that HERE.  It's interesting because we sisters have been talking about conscience issues lately and it goes along with it very well.

Brother James is making good progress on the cabin and I'm working my way through my sewing projects.  I have the curtains done and here's a video to show you one of them after I delivered brother James lunch.

I took a little break after lunch to work on this post and as I was sitting in the utility room by the nice warm fire 🔥 a cardinal was outside getting upset about his reflection.  

And then I snuck outside to see if I could catch him.

I'm back, I had to stop the post for a while and get some work done and one of my jobs was to deliver dinner to brother James while he was still working on the cabin so I brought you along on my way back. 

The darkness makes me so thankful for shelter. And we're even extra blessed with a nice bed and warm blankets.  

And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful.

Colossians 3:15 

I love that.  God's Word has such a way of saying something deep in a simple way.  Too bad it's so twisted and complicated by the false teachers and those who love their sin (that prop up the false teachers.)  But we know the truth and we shine our lights don't we sisters?

Time for me to go but Lord willing I will be blessed with another day to serve the Lord and within that I plan to be back here to encourage you on one more day.

Much love and godly hugs to my sisters in Christ,
Sister Deb

Test yourself at the biblical GOSPEL.

I thank God, whom I serve from my forefathers with pure conscience, that without ceasing I have remembrance of thee in my prayers night and day;  2 Timothy 1:3