A Time of Peace and Reflection

Greetings sister saints!

Praise the Lord for His mercy and grace, we are so unworthy, but so thankful. Our time here on the land has been such a great blessing to us and we have decided that we will plan to be here for a while longer, working on projects but focusing on more important things.  More important things being something I just shared with the sisters and brother James mentioned to me this evening...

Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love.  

Revelation 2:4 

That's not something we want to hear is it?  Oftentimes this life here can carry a person away into so many different areas, especially in our ministry and travel and our life can become so much a part of ministry and trying to reach the lost by preaching the GOSPEL, that it becomes out of focus here and there.  We see the great value of how the saints in the bible got away to refresh with the Father and we need to allow Him to strengthen and work within us.  Don't forget that sisters, we all need it and it's too easy to just keep going and going. 

And he said unto them, Come ye yourselves apart into a desert place, and rest a while: for there were many coming and going, and they had no leisure so much as to eat.  

Mark 6:31 

So for the time being, we will be here, working online ministry and with our hands, rejoicing in the Lord.  

This is our tiny house. If I were to turn around it would be a little hallway with a super tiny bathroom and a bedroom.  The footage inside is 8' x 28' and it's super huge compared to the van.  Oh I feel like a queen here and it's strange to get used to living in such freedom to be able to stand up and move around.  I laughed with a sister about standing at a sink and washing dishes, rejoicing about it.  Our home is an old rv trailer that's about 35 years old we drug down from Wisconsin and set it in the middle of the forest we cleared out for it. 


And then brother James built a roof, big porch and shop on the back side. I've shared on this before but in case you didn't know....

I painted the inside (still have some more to do) and then we added an old oak floor and some trim here and there. It's amazing how an old rv can be transformed into a rustic looking cabin or something with some old wood, rusty tin and drift wood.  Soon there will be these pictures being hung, from some sister saints :-)

Anyway it just goes to show you how simple and inexpensive a person can live if they are willing to.  Most aren't because it's a different life but we love it and are thankful the Lord has led us all these years to be where we are doing what we do.  It's all about walking in the Spirit, not the flesh and being willing to kill that flesh even in ways you never thought of.  So we'll be here for the time being, until whenever, and then Lord willing, back on the road, shining His light there too.  The online ministry never stops and we're always encouraging the saints, praise God for the ability to do so.  

So anyway, just filling you in on where we are, what's going on and I'll bring you along on my Titus 2 duties here, projects that we'll keep working on and we can rejoice in the Lord together. 

I have to go for now but Lord willing be back again tomorrow to encourage you.  

Love to my striving sister saints, hold fast and know that the Lord is watching over us all. He can see you, and you and you and you and you ....lol...all us sister saints at the same time!

The eyes of the Lord are in every place, beholding the evil and the good. 

Proverbs 15:3 

Hold fast and know I'm praying for you all.
Sister Deb