Walking Through Open Doors

 Good evening sister saints!

I pray you are going to the Lord for strength to keep striving on and I (and the sisters) are here to encourage you!  Today we had a busy day and within it came an idea for an audio which I made to encourage us.

Or you can find the audio (HERE) in the sisters audio page.

Thank you sister for the scripture pictures!

Amen, what a glorious Father we serve and let us praise His name!  Look at those hills aren't they beautiful? Makes me think of this:

For every beast of the forest is mine, and the cattle upon a thousand hills. 

 I know all the fowls of the mountains: and the wild beasts of the field are mine.  

Psalm 50:10-11 

I'm thankful for the technology we have to reach around the world to all different countries to share the GOSPEL and us sisters edify one another.  We also get to see more of God's creation through the eyes of a sister saint sharing with us:-) 

Seems there is much knowledge in this world (technology through computers) but man seems to be lacking more and more of it as there's very little discernment going on.  Let us stand strong sisters and keep shining our lights of the Lord so that those who are seeking the knowledge of God can find the way.   By the way, I sent these two snow pics to her and she added the scriptures and sent them back. She doesn't get snow where she is but I know sisters who get a lot of snow and would be happy to share it with her lol.

Oh that verse and the picture say a lot.  We sisters are to work hard to be well rounded in all ways of a godly woman, striving after the examples we see in the scriptures, of those who walked before us.

Brother James has an update HERE from yesterday.

And I will leave you today, with this last one.

Amen, let us rejoice in God our Savior!!!!!!  He is worthy to be praised!

Blessings, peace and love to my striving sister saints:-)

Sister Deb