
Candy and Christ-mass

Greetings and blessings to you sisters. I hope your day has been victorious in the Lord and if not, remember that tomorrow is a new day to do it all over again for Him.  Some days are better than others but each day is for our Father in Heaven. Today we went out on the street with our gospel signs.  It was the perfect set up because the busier corner had a huge Christ-mass tree on it and we stood by the pagan icon with the truth of God. Nobody was walking along the streets when we headed out but not long after we were there, a young man came walking right by us.  Brother Jim reached out to him with the gospel, he listened and said 'Thank you!  Can I give you this?' He gave brother Jim a candy and Jim gave him a gospel card.  Not long after a lady walked by and I gave her a gospel card and as she walked away she said we were doing a good work.  Brother Jim encouraged her to test herself to the Word.  Hundreds of people drove by and some waved, some scowled.

Born Again By The Word of God

Greetings sisters! Praise God for His precious word that transforms lives. Brother Jim and I are testimony to this and it's what I want to talk about today. Being born again by the Word of God, not mystical situations that happen to people. We just (again) went through a situation about this so it inspired me to write and warn you. I will give you our testimony and then compare it to the testimonies that we hear. First I will post a link from our ministry site to the (in depth) biblical gospel, from God's Word, that brother Jim preaches and we stand on.    (Please go there with your husband to read it.) An abbreviated version is what we have on our gospel cards here: When you read God's Word you see that a person is born again through the Word, by the Spirit. Read John 1 about the Word. 1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2  The same was in the beginning with G

Beware of 'Christian' Women Authors

Greetings sisters, Praise God for discernment and how we get that is through the study of God's Word, asking Him for wisdom.  If we are obedient to His word we will test / prove all things. 1 Thessalonians 5 Brother Jim and I were doing our walk in the store this morning because it was misting out and as we walked  I saw these books on display in the middle of the aisles.  Here in the bible belt of America, they have more so called 'Christian' things out in public. I wanted to post just a few of these false teaching books so that if any of you have them or the authors other unbiblical books, you need to burn them.  The women are not biblical in their lives nor their theology and associations, therefore we are to mark and avoid them. Romans 16:17 These are just a few of the thousands books from false teaching women.  I wrote a post about 'women wolves' and how they are deceiving many professed believing women and how you can discern

Bridges and Battling Fear

Greetings sisters, I hope you are warm, if you're in cold climates.  We know all about the brutal winter weather of Wisconsin in the north so we're appreciating better weather in which to be out in the world spreading the gospel at this time of year. I cling a lot to this verse: And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death. (Revelation 12:11) It tells me that ALL has been overcome and nothing is beneath our heavenly Father and what happens is under His watch.  When I fear, worry or doubt, I go to this verse and it's strengthening to me.  I love the last part.... "and they loved not their lives unto the death." I don't want to love my life and have it hinder my life to the Lord because our life is to be all for Him.  Someday He may require that life from us, because of Him.   When we travel we come across a lot of bridges and although I like to look at them, I HATE

Walking in the Spirit, not the Flesh

Greetings sisters, Onward we press forward, looking ahead toward Christ.  I pray you are all doing the same.  The title here is one that we commonly talk about, walking in the Spirit, not the flesh.  There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.  For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death. For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh: That the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit. (Romans 8:1-8)  There are so many hurdles in the flesh that I only want to pick one today.  Illness.  We come across many women who have various illnesses, m

Peanut Butter and Plug Ins

Greetings sisters, I'm thankful to be a content person with the simple things in life.  As we were traveling we stopped in a gas station and brother Jim found this... We didn't buy it but we had a good laugh about something as simple as a peanut butter and jelly sandwich being sold in a complicated world.   Another simple thing we appreciate is this... A plug in :-)  I used to be thankful for electricity when we lived in a house but it was expected to be there and today in our mobile life, we rejoice in thankfulness when we find a plug in, while out working on ministry. As you strip your life down as much as you can, you realize you were not as thankful as you thought you were.  When we set up our little off grid homestead in Missouri several years ago we went through some brutally hot, humid summer months without any running water and let me tell you, it certainly makes you have a deep gratitude for cold water and if you get ice, that's a big bonus! Wh