Dead Inside

Good afternoon sisters,
I pray that those of you who are reading this are truly born again believers and followers of Jesus Christ but there may be some of you who are not, don't know if you are, or never heard of that phrase 'born again'.  Before I was a new creation in Christ, I'd never heard those words but the moment I did,  I was changed for life...praise God.  Please, go read the biblical gospel here: and then examine yourself as the bible says:

Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates?
2 Corinthians 13:5

The past few months we put on many miles, through many states and left behind many spiritually dead people.  People who pushed back on the truth, argued for their man made religious system, defended their 'isms' (denominatinalism, antinominanism, calvanism etc.) defended their sin, hollered 'grace' instead of 'obedience' and the list goes on.

As we were leaving a town we saw this truck...

See the words "Dead Inside" spray painted on the back?

Not sure what that was all about but it was timely as we were heading into another big event where we knew we'd see more  (spiritually) dead people.

You have to be tough to see the constant deadness of society in an ongoing basis through masses of people.  It was one thing, before we hit the road, to see the people around us in a spiritually dead state but to travel thousands of miles in an ongoing basis, town after town, event after event and see the onslaught of dead souls everywhere you's a reminder of why we (as believers) do what we do.  We shine the light of truth in hopes that they will repent, which is what we pray for after we leave and move on down the road.  Maybe there are some of God's people behind us watering those seeds and only He knows who will be in the harvest.

We stood outside a religious event where the men were very physical and trying to be intimidating to both brother Jim and I. The women laughed alongside the men and there was much mockery going on while brother Jim preached the word of God and tried to call them out of their sin.

Right before we were going to leave, someone set off their truck alarm by us and kept it going the whole time until we were down the street heading to our vehicle.  

As we were walking down the sidewalk I saw this bird...

It made me sad because nobody likes to see death and because it was a real life example of the people we just walked away from....dead inside.

Jesus said unto him, Let the dead bury their dead: but go thou and preach the kingdom of God.
Luke 9:60

Which is what we do...go and preach the gospel in another town, praying for those behind us and pressing on toward those ahead.

We can't get wrapped up in the moment and have to keep moving forward because if we stop and stare too long at the casualties, it will cripple us.  The same is with those in your family, friends, people you see in the store...all over.  We have to have our minds set on Christ, shine our light in the way He has given us (we all have different ways) and keep moving forward.  Pressing on toward the mark.

As satan plays out this latest ploy to destroy more of mankind and reconstruct his world system, we must keep ourselves focused on our new life to come. Our Father knows all...remember that.  If you get swept away with the woes of this world, find a way to give of yourself in the ministry I have a post about that here:  I find when I bury myself in the things of God, I'm not swept away or distracted.  

The world needs to see the LIFE of Christ in us, shine it sisters and keep marching on.

I leave you with another beautiful creation from our Father.

Have a joyous day.

Love in Christ,
Sister Deb

The biblical gospel...