Overcoming Loneliness

Greetings sisters in Christ,
I pray you are all standing strong, holding fast to the faith and pressing on toward the mark.  There's no doubt many of you are alone in your walk, which at times when you're weak, can cause a feeling of loneliness.  We see in the scriptures there could have been a lot of loneliness. Psalms speak of it, Paul was abandoned at times, the prophets were hated, Jesus was alone when everyone forsook Him, there were probably many people who, after being converted in Acts, went home and were the only one in their town and we see the same thing happening today as back then...only worse as we enter the end times and the great falling away.

God knows this.  He knows who is alone and if He wanted to change that situation and put a believer in your area, He would.  

Ponder that....

If we have a focus on 'self' then our focus is not on Christ.  Our Father, who created the world, is fully capable of healing your heart from loneliness if you go to Him each time it rears up.  He can give you peace and joy in your heart to replace that loneliness but you have to ask Him and be willing to forsake looking at your self and what you don't have.  The problem is, we humans are so self centered that we allow our flesh to drive us. 

I'll admit there are times I can get depressed if I look at the world and all the lost people or if I look at those who have turned away from the faith.  Did you notice what I was looking at?  The people, not Christ and what He's done and if I endure, what will be ahead.

Loneliness is the same.  What we focus on will be what either lifts us up (Christ), or pushes us down (the world / flesh).

If you battle loneliness I suggest you go before the Lord and ask Him to help you remember to run to Him right away when it rears up.  You can also take some time to think about how to battle it with the Word of God and be prepared to kill it before it grows roots and overcomes you. Oftentimes it's a matter of "I" would like someone in my town or "I" would like fellowship or "I" would like to be married etc.  "I" is not what we are to focus on...."HE" is.  It sounds pretty brutal but it's the honest truth.  Women need to learn how to kill their flesh.  When Romans 8 tells us we can't please God in the flesh, that includes us allowing our flesh to make us depressed, lonely etc.  We must learn how to battle that and seek contentment and joy in our situation.  Acts 16 shows Paul and Silas singing in prison.  How much more can we do while we are free in Christ?  Brother Jim and I have found that the more we focus on pouring ourselves out to the saints, the more full we are in Christ and the less flesh we have involved.  

Women for sure, walk way too much in the flesh.  We must learn how to kill it and be about the Fathers business, not what our flesh would desire. Yes, in the perfect world we would have united believers, speaking the same things and there would be unity in the faith.  Sadly we see that was a struggle in the beginnings of the New Testament body as well because the whole NT is all about admonishing the believers to stop sin and strive on in holiness.  We also see Jesus reprimanding the churches in Revelation, and we see believers being killed by God (read Acts 5 and 1 Corinthians 11) so it wasn't what people think it was back then either.  The only place it will be the way God ordained it, is when we are in heaven with Him.  

What believers need to do is stop looking for that and instead look to see what you can do to encourage everyone else. In that, you will find the more you give, the more God gives you to give and the cycle is awesome because you grow out of your flesh and into the Spirit. 

We suggest you pray for a ministry of some sort that you can busy yourself in, on your free time, so that you don't have that extra time to ponder your life and loneliness. There are many things that can be done for the Lord instead of focusing on our self and longing for what we don't have. Instead of using your time seeking fellowship long distance (that's not recommended either), spend that time in ministry for the Lord and encouraging all the saints.  Redeem the time (Ephesians 5) as the days are evil.

See a post about ministry ideas: 

I hope this encourages you.

I pray you have a joyous day.
Love in Christ,
Sister Deb

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