
Showing posts with the label Letters to Sisters

Killing the Comfort of the Flesh Pt #2

Greetings sisters! I hope you are all doing well today!   Grace be unto you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ.  I thank my God upon every remembrance of you,  Always in every prayer of mine for you all making request with joy, For your fellowship in the gospel from the first day until now; Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ  Philippians 1:2-6 Hey, just this morning I posted another letter for you about killing the comfort of the flesh and shortly after that we received some pictures from a brother in the Lord.  He's an over the road trucker learning a simple life, working hard to set himself free to become an over the road preacher!   Anyway he sent this picture of his breakfast and was  joyous that he had a table.... It's actually the bumper to his truck. He's got a bucket for a seat, a bumper for a table and shade from th

Killing Comfort and Being Set Free From the Bondage of the Flesh

Greetings Sisters around the world! I pray you are all doing well and keeping that joy and peace that surpasses all understanding. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:7 We must remember this every day, the promises of our Father in Heaven, that we can have peace in our daily lives.  We are now encouraging a brother who is having even more tribulations in his life than he was before, a couple young brothers who are in situations that are less than ideal in their homes and many more stories of believers who are working through their trials but keeping their joy and peace as our Father is greater than all. Since we have arrived at our Missouri homestead I have been wanting to share about killing the comfort of our flesh.  If you are from the U.S. you will agree that most people spend a great deal of time and money trying to appease their flesh in the way of comfort.  (I'm sure many other co

Early June Updates and Critters all Around!

Greetings Sisters! Sorry it's been a while since I've taken the time to post, we've been very busy with getting ourselves set up at the Missouri homestead (temporarily), carving and ministry but things are evening out a bit and I need to catch up! I praise God that we are busy in many ways and am thankful in all things: In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 We arrived here in Missouri a few days ago and took time to get ourselves temporarily set up here for carving some orders (praise God for providing for our business).  In the meantime brother Jim put in a new floor in the van: Nothing fancy, just some plywood that I painted.  There's a drop footwell and brother Jim made a piece for the backside of that and we have to get a corner piece to bring them together better.  I'm painting the box that goes in between the front seats as well.  It hold all our tracts and it's also brot

One Anothering and Giving of Yourself

Good evening sisters! We are praising the Lord as we have made it to our destination for the evening! When we got here I cooked up a quick meal in the parking lot and as we were eating we heard squealing tires and a big loud crash! Apparently the red car pulled out in front of the white pickup truck (it's on the left hand side behind that black car).  Brother Jim went over to see if anyone was hurt but the lady in the car was on her phone talking so she wasn't in serious condition although they did take her out on the stretcher, maybe for safety reasons.  There was an elderly lady in the passengers seat but she was out and walking around.  I share this because every time we would reach a destination brother Jim would thank God and praise Him but my mind was already on what I needed to do once we reached wherever we were going.  It wasn't long before I realized I should be thanking God for the safe journey as I thank Him for all other things! It's a b

Bearning One Anothers Burdens and Keeping our Focus

Good afternoon sisters! I bring you this verse: Bear one another's burdens, and  so fulfill  the law of Christ.  (Galatians 6:2) That is what the brethren is to do for one another.  That doesn't mean we can take away the burden from a brother or sister but we can certainly be there to help in any way possible to encourage the one bearing it; to continue on in the strength of the Lord. Just yesterday we saw something that you can learn from in nature in reference to that verse. Check out this video and see. (Sorry it's a bit blurry, but it's 3 families of geese heading over to a big pond in between parking lots.   The little limpy one got so tired that when they were crossing the road to the pond, he sat down in the center of the road and cars were driving by really slow to get around him. Then he finally got up and had the strength to make it to the grass.  It was so sweet watching one of the parent geese hanging out with him while the rest move