
The Narrower Bumpy Road

Greetings sisters in Christ! I want to share this verse with you... For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the  Lord . Isaiah 55:8 I thought of that verse the other day as we were making plans to head northward. We looked at the map and had a general idea of where we would go and from there picked a city, but stopped short of it.  The next day were plans to continue on to that same city but stopped short once again.  Of course there were perfectly timed out witnessing opportunities along the way and one more time we planned that city but after looking at the map, we took a different route.  Brother Jim said we'd stop in a town not far away and go from there and in order to get there we had to get off the main road and onto a narrower, bumpy road.  Brother Jim drew this for me. Really bumpy at times.  And our old van is a 1 ton van which means it's heavy and it has stiff suspension on it so that means our ride is not smooth a

Sowing Sewing Skills

Greetings sisters in Christ! Today brings us into another day to serve our heavenly Father!  I hope whatever you had planned for the day went well :-) Speaking of plans, we are planning on seeing our grandchildren soon.  We're excited because we only get to see them maybe 2 times a year.  We do have some communication through technology and we send gifts periodically to share our love for them but there's nothing like face to face.  They sure grow fast and time flies too quickly! We've been on the look out for unique gifts such as crafts or thinking games that are good and godly so I decided to make a simple sewing box for the girls and teach them how to hand sew.   Picture by brother Jim I searched thrift stores and found felt pieces, ribbon, buttons, thread and various other items, here are a few.... We only have a short time with them so we plan to do a few activities (such as this and of course brother Jim will be with the boys) and of course we will be sharing ab

No Water but There's a Lake!

Greetings sisters in Christ! Praise God for yet another day. I know I say it all the time but I mean it.  Let us not 'look back' but remember why we are who we are today!  It's all of the Father and what our Savior did. Amen. We were on a search for water to fill up our washing station and extra jugs but no matter where we went (even the ones listed with having water available), we found none.  We look for complimentary water for customers who purchase from the gas stations but in this area it's slim pickings for such things but we weren't worried.  As we were driving along the highway brother Jim said  ' Hey, we can get water from a lake or river. ' (We've done it before.) And wouldn't you know it, the town we were going to has a beautiful river and lake going right through it with a nice park by it. We stopped and filled up with water while praising God for providing for us! Brother Jim filled up the water jugs, praise God. Y

Quiet Conviction

Greetings sisters in Christ! Brother Jim and I were talking about how the Holy Spirit came to comfort, teach and convict.  I then told him a story that happened to me while I was in the store that morning when he was working on something in the van. I was walking through the aisle and brother Jim text me to pick up something while I was in there and as I was texting him back I veered in the aisle and unknown to me (because I was foolishly walking while texting instead of stepping off out of the way) I stepped right in front of a man pushing a cart. Picture by brother Jim I looked up just in time to avoid a calamity and said ' Oh, I'm sorry ' just as he said ' excuse me '.  I apologized again as I glanced in his cart and he sheepishly said ' oh, no problem ' and quickly looked away while he hurriedly walked down the aisle.  His cart had a bunch of beer in it and he was convicted.  (No it is not sinful to drink alcohol, drunkenness is the sin, just

God's Creation...Beautiful Birds and a Tunnel to a Trail in Wisconsin

Greetings sisters in Christ, We have been driving through small towns preaching and holding signs and we were blessed with a couple stops along the way to appreciate God's creation before we head into bigger cities.  I took some pictures and videos to share with you all as God's creation does that, instills a peace and joy within us knowing how awesome He is that made it all. For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him:And he is before all things, and by him all things consist. Colossians 1:16-17 The first one is us driving into a small park that we've driven by for many years but never stopped to see what it was like.  Today we decided to take a few minutes and we were greatly surprised at the beauty! We then got out to take a look around.  As we walked down the little road we came to this

Witnessing our Way Through Wisconsin

Greetings sisters in Christ! I hope your day was joyous in the Lord.  We have been in Wisconsin for a few days and were out street witnessing and holding gospel signs, praise God the word went out.  Hundreds of people have driven by and it's always exciting after we're done, to think of whose life might have been changed.  The Lord's will be done. If you're interested I'm including some of the street preaching (we also have them on the discernment blog but in case some of you only check in here.) In this next one you'll hear a man trying to teach false doctrine to brother Jim.  He was listening to the preaching for a while then walked over to talk.  Edited picture for privacy and modesty. Brother Jim was preaching some hard things, like he normally does, saying that politics are not our hope, there's only one race and it's not racism but sin that is causing the problems etc.  While he was doing that we saw a man standing on

I Ate Grass

Greetings sisters in Christ! Glory to God in the Highest, He who is King of Kings, Lord of Lords and rules the heavens and the earth with righteousness and justice!  Let us rejoice in our Savior who has gone to prepare a place for us!  What an awesome God we have! I was reading in the book of Daniel about Nebuchadnezzar.... I've mentioned before here in the sisters blog about how I (before my life in Christ) was over in the darker side for a time.  Not just an unregenerate spirit darkness but a wicked, demonic darkness of being close to insanity.  Satan is real sisters and as we see in the book of Job, he can do much damage (if God allows him to.)  I believe I was sifted at that time, just like Nebuchadnezzar. picture from brother Jim I can relate to eating grass like Nebuchadnezzar (though not literally but wandering around in my mind trying to find a way out) and have my understanding taken away.  It was a dark place, darker than dark .  But God had mercy and hea