A Helpful Tool, God's Perfect Timing and Beautiful Mountains

Greetings in love to our sisters in Christ!
Praise God for waking up one more day to serve Him and if we endure we will someday be with Him! Shedding this world and the trials in it but we must endure through it first.  This is our reasonable service, see Romans 12:1-2.  Amen!

Endure we shall and I have been through much physical trials but my countenance has been joyful and ready to do the Lords work. He helps us endure ''through" not necessarily "from" trails. 

Not long ago I shared about HEAT PADS being a good tool for those of you who would need something like that, today I'm going to share a little tool that helps me in other ways.

I've had this little blender for over a year and we've used it off and on for smoothies and blended drinks, but lately I've been needing to make soft foods (and it seems to be helping me).  Praise God for little things like this and yes, you can do this in the van life, off grid.  Our generator hardly budges when I run this and it's very compact so it fits in small spaces.  Brother Jim especially likes it because he loves fruit smoothies as they are refreshing after being on the streets preaching.  

One of my favorite snacks is to put in half a banana, a little scoop of peanut butter, a little bit of chocolate and some dry milk.  Add water, a few ice cubes and blend.  It's a nutrient dense, nourishing drink that fuels you for a long time. Lately I've been making soups in my little THERMOS so when we come back off the street we have a fulfilling meal in seconds. (This thing blends them up in no time!) Maybe soon I will have a coupon we will treat ourselves to a bit of ice cream and I'll make a shake:-)

I'm thankful for such tools, that we could live without of course, but it's certainly been a blessing, especially as of late.  

God has perfect timing also.....just the other day I was in the store grabbing a few things and of course they have that brainwashing message about masks and the virus and that 'we're all in this together' and i thought about how lost the world is. How much I dislike this place and the foolish systems, how I've been struggling mightily in the flesh (but God has been helping me overcome by giving me just what I need) and at one spot I got worn down to the point that I almost let my guard down and got depressed.  That lasted a very short time because I immediately set my affections on things above (Colossians 3:2) and told myself it's just my reasonable service to the Lord as my sacrifice to Him (Romans 12:1-2) and that if we endure (Matthew 24) through all this, we have our eternal reward waiting for us. 

 It didn't last long at all because over the years, through constant diligence in this area to not fall victim to it, it quickly passes.  The next morning I received some encouragement from a far away sister who mentioned how it must be tiring to constantly deal with the world (as we live right in the middle of it in parking lots) as she sees how disorienting it can be just going to town.  That was great encouragement because God's timing is perfect to have a worker send that at the right time.  Praise God for sisters as you all are a great encouragement in the various ways you minister to others.  

Speaking of parking lots, we are outside West Yellowstone after having been out on the streets preaching and holding gospel signs (you can see that HERE) and we found a free place to park, alongside the highway. We were actually over on that side when we pulled in and a trucker pulled in next to us.  He was really loud so I mentioned to brother Jim that maybe we should look to see if there was another spot that wasn't so close.  He said we will try across the street in the other parking area. Shortly after we pulled in, brother Jim went for a walk so I could freshen up and came across a man from New Jersey.  They talked a while about travel and of course it turned to spiritual things of which they had a good discussion.  Praise God for hearts that may be open to the truth and for being in the right place at the right time, all the glory to God for sure!

We will be out on the street again tomorrow in the same town, Lord willing, we will see if there are any sheep.  (Today there were possibly a couple.) A woman, who owned a shop there, came out yelling at brother Jim saying she would call the police if he didn't leave.  Brother Jim said "Please do I want to talk to them."  It was a nice officer and we were just fine.  God was glorified on this day.

I thought I'd share some videos of the scenery we saw while driving here, which was very refreshing and strengthening.

We saw a UPS driver way out in the middle of 'nowhere' and thought it was funny...

This video is of the backside of the Teton Mountains.

Here's another one.

And a picture of them.

We may be heading into Jackson, WY to preach in the near future, Lord willing.  We've been there before and many people were told the truth even if they didn't like it, which almost everyone didn't.  The mountains are phenomenal and we sleep in a parking lot out in the edge of the park, being able to see them in the near distance.  It's the prettiest view we've ever seen and it's refreshing after dealing with haters and mockers all day.  Anyway, if we get there again it will be nice but even so, we're thankful for any place we can go shine the light of Truth.  Let that be so with each one of us, being satisfied with the life God has given us, being a witness to those around us while staying in our godly role.  

It's time for bed and a big day tomorrow, Lord willing we shall live to do it.

May God be praised!

Love in Christ,
Sister Deb

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