Sorrow With Joy in the Midst
Good evening sisters! I wanted to share this audio brother Jim just made, that clearly explains the great sorrow we have for the lost world. You can listen to his audio HERE . It's a balance we sisters have to find, each for ourselves, in how we can turn that sorrow into a strength that presses us on. It was just last week when I had an overwhelming surge of sorrow while we were out in the midst of a group of professed believers (anabaptists) who were laughing and mocking at the truth of God. As they surrounded us and we were walking back to our van, I turned the camera full circle around me and when I looked at each of them, I almost broke down in tears, but prayed that the Lord will uphold my composure in front of them all, and He did, of course. Luke 17:27 They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all. The destruction is coming and t...