
Showing posts with the label Videos

Anabaptist Feminism

Greetings sister saints! I'm so thankful for my true sisters in Christ who have rejected feminism (forsaken and repented of it) and are now willingly serving the Lord in obedience to His commands.  I think I've shared this issue in the past, about feminism in the anabaptist world but something came up again so I thought I'd revisit the issue as a good reminder to us all and to expose what is a cancer in the anabaptist people that many don't see.  Beware, just because they look and act a bit different, that's not the test of a true disciple, the WORD OF GOD is the test and how someones fruit lines up to it is what we look for.  At the end of this post I'll share some links from brother James testings and our witnessing experiences with them. I did make an audio to share with you sisters what I have seen for feminism in their groups, and I do it because I love you and want you to be warned and I love them and hope they repent.  It's about redemption, not reven

It's the Message They Hate not the Messenger

 Good evening sister saints who love the Lord Jesus!  Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.   This is the first and great commandment.   And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.   On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.   Matthew 22:37-40  I made an audio to encourage us sisters to not be discouraged by those who try to silence the truth: Or you can listen to it ( HERE ) on the sisters audio page. (Thank you brother James for the picture:-) Keep sharing the GOSPEL sister saints and don't let anyone stop you. And to clarify, yes Jesus said the world will hate you but in context it's only because of Him and the message of Him that we bring. We got an email from someone who was trying to defend calvanism, (once saved always saved and that you can never fall away).  Brother James was challenging him with scriptures and when the man couldn't an

Working in a Skirt

  Godly greetings to my godly sisters!!! ! Salute every saint in Christ Jesus. The brethren which are with me greet you. Philippians 4:21  I made another audio today called "Working in a Skirt". You can also find it HERE on the sisters audio page. What a joy an honor to be a daughter is the Most High, let nothing hinder us from bringing Him the glory He deserves!   For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.  But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us. 2 Corinthians 4:6-7 As we were doing the wood this morning brother James pointed out the frost flowers so I made a video so you could see them too... Apparently it has to do with the fluctuating temperatures.  What delicate beauty. When I tried to pick one up it broke like glass. Which doeth great things and unsearchable; marvellous things

Undivided Heart

Greetings godly sisters ! (The snow was blowing as I was trying to finish writing.) I made an audio today about an Undivided Heart, which I hope edifies you as much as it did for me thinking about it and sharing. (Or you can listen to it ( HERE ) on the sisters audio page.)  (Thank you to my hubby for drawing this:-) And there's a new children's post ( HERE ).  Brother James had a job to do today so I came with. And when we got back I finally was able to catch the cardinal going at himself in the window lol. Then I made a video as I hiked down our VERY STEEP hill (doesn't look like it on the video) and saw some amazing beauty!!!   You can see the video of it ( HERE ) called Hiking the Homestead (Snow and Icicles) .    (It's too big to upload here on the post.) Praises to our heavenly Father for not only creating it but for allowing us to partake of it all and in doing so we give Him glory.  I was so thankful as I was climbing back up the hill that I'm finally over t

Rubbish to Redeemed

Greetings sister saints!!! Glory to God for one more day to serve Him and not the god of this world because we have been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb! I made an audio called Rubbish to Redeemed, you can find that HERE or here: And I share some of God's beauty and amazing  creation that we are blessed to partake of. Creepy looking spider 🕷️ but at least he's outside where he belongs:-) Amazing how they can make webs 🕸️ and brother James says he sees their eyes at night when his flashlight 🔦 shines on them. The turkeys 🦃 make their rounds, coming by once or twice a day to eat the corn 🌽. This cardinal is funny cuz he loves to fight himself if the reflection of our van windshield. I haven't been able to catch him on video yet.  Lol This possum likes to hang around our place at night which is okay as long as it doesn't do anything naughty.    Sing unto the Lord with thanksgiving; sing praise upon the harp unto our God:   Who covereth the heaven with clouds, who p

Sister Sharing: Organizing, Minimizing and Encouragement

 Good evening sister saints! I'm thankful the Lord has given us another day to honor Him and encourage the brethren. Instead of typing here, I made an audio sharing some things going on and some thoughts. You can also find the audio HERE on the sisters page of our main ministry site. Here's a picture of a project we did today. Brother James added a shelf below my red table (I love that old look) to lift up my lil toaster oven and then added a cedar slab shelf above my microwave to maximize space, which is imperative in a tiny house. I love cleaning cedar so I had a nice job of that today before he put it in.   I was rejoicing cuz I got to hang the pictures from my sisters!  I already had the curtains on the left, in fact they came with the trailer when we bought and were in the bedroom. (We still haven't been able to do the bedroom yet but it's getting closer on the to do list:-)  And then I sewed the solid blue curtains by using another curtain lol.  It was a long pan