
A little bit about our chainsaw carving business.

Hello sisters, I thought you might like to see a little bit about our business.  We just got a load of logs and Jim is milling some of them up.   Check out this video... We do all sorts of things in our business and I will share some of them in the future. Hope you enjoyed that! Have a joyous day. Sister Deb

The New Blog and Encouragement for US!

Hello Sisters, I did a video to let Christian sisters who follow us on our videos for Chrsitian sisters and let them know we have this new blog and I also share encouragement that we have received which we were thankful for.  We all will struggle but we must remember the promises of our Father, that He is there and will take care of us no matter what the situation.  We hope the new blog is an encouaragement to you as well. God be praised! Sister Deb

Warning! Wayward Christian Wives!!!

Greetings sisters, In this video I share about a professed Christian wife in disobedience to her husband and encourage sisters who are doing the same thing, to repent. Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body. Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing.  (Ephesians 5:22-24) God be praised! Sister Deb The biblical gospel...

A Story about Warning the Sheep

Greetings sisters! I hope this evening finds you well, striving hard in the the things of God and not being deterred from His truth. I want to share an encouraging story with you that will make you rejoice! For those of you who don't know, we have a ministry site that has hundreds of articles, audios and videos to help people come out of false man made religion and into the full truth of God's Word.  (Feel free to go there with your husband or spiritual authority.) There is much deception in the world and therefore false teachers need to be exposed which has a section on that as well.  Unfortunately most people who contact us don't look very far and simply see that my husband Jim calls out false teachers (in order to warn the sheep that might wander into the clutches of those ravenous wolves) and they don't bother to see all the teaching tools we have and therefore send sniping emails etc.  Fielding emails and phone calls of that n...

Headcovering For Christian Women, What Should She Wear?

Hello Sisters! Praise the Lord for another day to serve Him! This article is for Christian women who have learned the command in 1 Corinthians 11 to cover their heads.  If you are not aware of that, please  go with your husband or spiritual authority to our ministry site and read a detailed article about it: We also have an article on women wearing it all the time: We have been getting this question a lot through our ministry so here I just share what we see in scripture and practice in our home.   What kind of headcovering should a Christian woman wear? What we see in scripture is this that women are to cover their heads including their hair, which is their glory.  (As stated in the above teachings.)  We also know, based on the fact that scripture commands n...

Godly Women are Gazing Stock for God, But Glorifying Him

We hope this article is an encouragement for godly, set apart sisters who have been transformed by the  gospel  and have sumbitted themsleves to obedience in God's Word. You are not alone! A godly woman has a great role in the commission of Christ in various forms whether it be helping a godly husband, helping a biblical body, ministering to the elder, witnessing the gospel when the opportunity opens and most of all your witness in how you act, dress and cover yourself in obedience to God's Word. We have articles on how godly women should act, dress and cover themselves on our ministry site (run by my husband and brother Jim)  take your husband or spiritual authority there to learn about these commands. If you are obediently following the commands in God's Word to dress and cover then it doesn't take long for you to realize just how much of a gazing stock you are, especially if you are in an area w...

Sew a Simple 2 Panel Skirt

Hello Sisters! If you are like me, you may have a hard time finding skirts that are long enough and not adorned.  If so, I have come up with a really quick and basic skirt you can easily sew (if I can sew it anyone can!) and simple to adjust to your measurements. Below you will find a rough hand sketch of how to do it.  My suggestion is to make the bottom as wide as possible so it's easier to walk depending on how long your walking stride is. On the instructions it says to fold the fabric which worked for the piece I had, you may need to buy 2 pieces and lay them out separately, which is easy to do as well.   Add caption First you want to lay out your fabric with the good side facing each other.   Take your waist measurement and divide it by 2 then add 2 inches. (I encourage you to be generous on the measurements)  Mark that on the top of the fabric for the waist.  Draw a chalk angle line outward to the bottom then c...