
Man Made Traditions and Mindsets

Greetings sisters in Christ! Today I want to talk about man made traditions and mindsets.  We know there are many man made traditions in the unbiblical, worldly, denominational organizations, what I'm talking about are the ones we were trained to do in our every day life, that set boundaries that may unnecessarily trap us.  Brother Jim and I have found a lot of them in our life after we began living in our van.  It's opened our eyes to the American mindset that everyone in this country has grown to know.  Some of these might stretch your mind and I'm not saying they are sinful, I'm simply bringing up ideas for you to examine in your own life.  (I'm sure many of you in other countries can relate to some of these as well as find your own.) * Eating 3 meals a day .  It always seemed like a trap to me as a mother, trying to keep all the children from snacking so that they were hungry at meal time. Then you have to argue with them throughout the entire meal to eat

Pressing Through the Flesh...Married and In the Word

Greetings sisters, Here is another Married and in the Word audio brother Jim and I just did, about pressing through the flesh. I hope it blesses you. As I press through the physical issues I have, there are plenty of verses that help strengthen and encourage us.  This one stood out to me in that our Father is in control and knows best. I hope you have a joyous day. Love in Christ, Sister Deb The biblical gospel...

Taxes, Witnessing and Other Stuff

Greetings sisters in Christ! I'm rejoicing because I have the biggest part of our taxes finished (I hope) and soon will be set free from the complication of our business.  (We did business in many states so therefore the filing is crazy on it.)  I'm thankful to be going back to a simplified version as of this year, praise God.  This picture shows that freedom: Not long ago that pile of logs would have looked really good to us for our carving business but since we shut that part of our life down, we now can focus on ministry full time.  There's brother Jim's shadow with his witnessing stick.  (It's a wooden walking stick with scripture verses on it.  It opens the door to much witnessing!)  Here's another funny picture... We were fishing in the marketplace (you can read about what we call the marketplace here:  ) and brother Jim started laughing and pointed at the chainsa

Van Dwelling Life

Greetings sisters in Christ! We have been super busy, how about you?  I have to get our tax info finished tomorrow and then I'm hoping to have time to get back online and encourage you here. In the meantime I thought I'd post a link to some van dwelling info that we have on our discernment blog. Under that link are many links to other articles offering advice and encouragement to those who might be interested in the van life. I'm planning on doing some for  Titus 2 'keeper of the van' about things that I do and use, but that will come at some time in the future.  Right now (for a while) we are in the middle of setting ourselves free from one last tie and then will be off on the road again.  While we're here I'll be sewing some wall coverings for the sides of the van for insulation, brother Jim will be constructing a new generator box for the back and who knows what else we'll t

Ministry Ideas for Godly Women

Greetings sisters in Christ! I pray you are all doing well today.  In a previous post about overcoming loneliness (you can read that post here:  )  I said I would offer some ministry ideas that sisters could consider, therefore using your spare time for the Lord.  We have had some rough times in our walk and if it wasn't for me pouring myself out in various work for the Lord, I would have been overcome in misery.  That's not becoming of a saint of God so I challenge those of you who have free time for ministry, to go before the Lord and seek His will. Of course if you are married, have children or elderly in your life, then they are your first ministry and praise God, you are already busy!!! But there are many sisters who are single or have an unbelieving husband that allows them more time on their hands to be working in a ministry instead of focusing on themselves and what they don't have.  

Overcoming Loneliness

Greetings sisters in Christ, I pray you are all standing strong, holding fast to the faith and pressing on toward the mark.  There's no doubt many of you are alone in your walk, which at times when you're weak, can cause a feeling of loneliness.  We see in the scriptures there could have been a lot of loneliness. Psalms speak of it, Paul was abandoned at times, the prophets were hated, Jesus was alone when everyone forsook Him, there were probably many people who, after being converted in Acts, went home and were the only one in their town and we see the same thing happening today as back then...only worse as we enter the end times and the great falling away. God knows this.  He knows who is alone and if He wanted to change that situation and put a believer in your area, He would.   Ponder that.... If we have a focus on 'self' then our focus is not on Christ.  Our Father, who created the world, is fully capable of healing your heart from loneliness if